Mental Health

Optimal mental health can be a state of overall mental well-being, allowing you to effectively manage life's challenges, recognize your strengths, and maintain ongoing well-being and happiness. Mental health encompasses your cognitive, emotional, and social well-being.

Mental health can affect your daily life, relationships, and physical health. Conversely, these factors can also influence your mental health, leading to the development of specific mental health conditions or disorders. 

A mental health disorder is a health condition that can influence your thoughts, mood, and behavior, ultimately impacting the way you perceive the world around you. A mental health condition can cause intense distress and diminish the quality of your life, affecting both your functionality and happiness. 

Optimal mental health is essential for your overall well-being and quality of life. Common mental health conditions include depression, anxiety, insomnia, and more. You can effectively address your mental health challenges through medication, counseling, or a combination of both. 

Timely intervention and proper management are crucial in alleviating the negative impacts of mental health disorders. At Destiny Internal Medicine, our expert team provides comprehensive medical assistance and care to support the well-being of your mental health.

Common Mental Health Conditions

There are more than 200 types of mental health disorders, with some being common and others less prevalent. Various mental health conditions may have distinct or overlapping symptoms and treatment options. Commonly encountered mental health disorders include:


Depression is a mood disorder characterized by persistent feelings of hopelessness, emptiness, sadness, and a lack of interest, accompanied by an inability to experience pleasure. 

Depression manifests in various types and symptoms, and the intensity of these symptoms can vary based on the particular type of depression you have. It's important to note that depression can increase the risk of suicidal thoughts or behaviors.


Anxiety happens due to excessive worry, fear, or nervousness. Intense anxiety has the potential to disrupt various aspects of your daily life and cause significant distress. In severe cases, it may even lead to panic attacks.

An anxiety disorder is a mental health condition that goes beyond the usual concerns of daily life, resulting in overwhelming feelings of anxiety, fear, and terror.


Insomnia is a sleep disorder that negatively impacts your well-being and functionality due to insufficient sleep. It presents challenges in falling asleep, staying asleep, or waking up too early with difficulty returning to sleep.

Substance Abuse

Substance abuse, or substance use disorder, is a chronic condition characterized by the inability to control the consumption of substances like alcohol and nicotine, even in the face of adverse and harmful consequences. 

This condition significantly impacts your brain and behavior, thereby influencing your health, relationships, and overall quality of life.

Bipolar Disorder

Bipolar Disorder is a mood disorder that involves extreme mood fluctuations, where you experience episodes of mania (elation) and depression. This condition involves extreme changes in mood, energy, and activity levels, making it challenging to perform your daily tasks.


Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is a mental health condition that may arise in response to experiencing a traumatic event. It can manifest with symptoms such as flashbacks and nightmares. 

Symptoms of Mental Health Conditions

Signs and symptoms of mental health conditions can vary, depending on the specific disorder and other contributing factors. Symptoms of mental illness can impact emotions, thoughts, and behaviors. Examples of these signs and symptoms include:

  • Feelings of sadness
  • Confusion and difficulty concentrating
  • Intense feelings of fear, worry, and guilt
  • Extreme mood changes 
  • Fatigue, exhaustion, and low energy 
  • Difficulty sleeping
  • Isolating from friends and family
  • Issues with alcohol or drug use
  • Changes in eating habits
  • Excessive anger, hostility, or violence
  • Suicidal tendencies

Symptoms may manifest as physical issues such as stomach pain, back pain, headaches, or other unexplained aches and pains.

Mental Health Treatment

When considering the need for treating mental health conditions, the severity of your symptoms, the distress they cause, and their impact on your daily living are taken into account. The risks and benefits of available treatments, among other factors, are also considered.

Our dedicated team at Destiny Internal Medicine works collaboratively with you to develop a personalized plan for your mental health treatment. Depending on your specific condition, The treatment may involve a combination of psychotherapy (talk therapy), medication, or other treatments. 

Treatment options for mental health disorders may include:

  1. Medication such as antidepressants and antipsychotics can help manage the symptoms of your condition. These medicines alter your brain chemicals and can effectively address mild symptoms and certain mental disorders. 
  2. Psychotherapy or talk therapy involves talking with a licensed mental health expert, such as a psychologist or psychiatrist, who helps you comprehend and resolve challenging feelings, thoughts, and behaviors.
  3. Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) is a popular psychotherapeutic approach that focuses on changing negative behaviors and thought patterns.
  4. Alternative therapies, including herbal remedies, massage, acupuncture, yoga, supplements, and meditation, can be beneficial for some mental conditions, such as depression.
  5. Brain stimulation therapies, like electroconvulsive therapy and transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS), are recommended when medication and other therapies prove ineffective. These treatments alter how nerves and other brain cells process chemicals and respond to stimuli. 
  6. Self-help and support from your family and friends are crucial in your coping, recovery, and overall well-being. Lifestyle changes like good nutrition, exercise, and sufficient sleep also support your mental health and recovery. 

A comprehensive treatment plan may include lifestyle changes and participation in support groups, along with the other treatments mentioned above, all aimed at enhancing your recovery and well-being.

Mental Health Treatment with Destiny Internal Medicine in Aurora, CO

If you're facing challenges with anxiety, depression, insomnia, or any other mental conditions, seeking prompt help is crucial for effective management and optimal well-being. 

At Destiny Internal Medicine in Aurora, CO, our expert team is dedicated to providing the appropriate medical care and support on your journey toward a more balanced and fulfilling life.

To schedule an appointment with one of our providers, call us at 720-324-4777 or request an appointment online.

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